Tag Archives: Weight Loss

Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes

Cook Yourself Thin Skinny Meals You Can Make in MinutesI haven’t seen the show, but running across this book piqued my interst. Is it possible to cook

yourself thin?

Well, it is but it does involve

some effort on your part. In all actuality, I found the book contained many favorite recipes and things I love to eat. Plus, it seems healthy enough. As far as cookbooks go, this one does involve skimping on the better ingredients–butter, of course–but it doesn’t seem to affect the taste all too much. So, therefore, a recommend, if you are

willing to do the shopping and cooking, which seems simple and straightforward enough

Act like Lady Think Like a Man

Act Like a Lady Think Like a ManMost of the advice in Steve’s book has been already posted, in fact you can glean the major points just from reading the flap copy, so I won’t go into that.

And be aware the advice appears to be written geared toward women searching for a long term, serious relationship.

But I wonder why so many people are jumping up and down for joy as if things such as don’t sleep with a man immediately, have standards and keep up your appearance are revolutionary ideas. Most of the things in this book, women should be aware of by their late 20s. The advice isn’t something you couldn’t get from a pastor or a well-meaning male friend, the difference is Steve is a celebrity and a one man promotion machine with his radio show.

It’s true that some women never had good male role models, and I didn’t have the best parental

example, but as I’ve gotten older, as I think happens with most people, you mature and are able to find what you are looking for in a relationship. As for the

sex thing, I don’t think having sex early will automatically make a man lose interest in you. The main reason to wait for women, is that women are not guaranteed to get pleasure out of every sexual act, and disease, so it’s better to at least have an emotional connection and know who you’re sleeping with.

And on to Steve Harvey. Of course, I don’t know him personally but he has been married three times, and has reportedly not always been a “gentleman” to the women he’s dated. So why doesn’t he explain his past behavior in the book? Clearly, the emphasis is on how women should behave because a) women are the majority of his fan base b) they are the majority of book buyers. Plus it seems the majority of these Strawberry Letters read on his show are also written by women who seem to have problems so over the top, that I wonder if they aren’t made up by someone on Harvey’s staff.

And of course he wrote the book for some profit. There is nothing wrong with that, but let’s not act like he’s Mother Theresa, and not an entertainer.

I don’t post reviews on amazon but I felt compelled to weigh in on this debate for some reason. All in all, this book contains advice most mature individuals should know. But if you enjoy Harvey’s comedy and like to debate and overthink relationships, I think it would be a worthwhile read.